Part 77 - Candle-hanger Project III
by Lord Thomas the Black


Candle-hanger Project III

            Happy New Year, and welcome to another edition of Blackmaille! As Twelfth Night rolls around again, it’s time for another of our annual candle-hanger projects.

            This year’s project will be a little different from the others. In our past candle-hanger projects, we’ve made hangers for votive candles. This time around, we’ll be making a hanger for a column candle.

Text Box: Items needed:
            3/8” 14g rings (lots)
            ¼” 14g rings (not quite lots)
            2 brass rings (1” dia.)
            1.5”-2” dia. column candle

                        Fig. 1


            First, make a row of Euro 4-in-1 long enough to go all the way around your column candle, and connect the ends, making a hoop (Fig. 2). Repeat two more times (Fig. 3).


                        Fig. 2                                                                                  Fig. 3              


            Next, decide which of these three hoops is going to be the bottom of your candle-hanger, and count the number of rings in the bottom row. Then, using one of your 1” brass rings as the center ring, make the bottom of the hanger the same way you would a coif top, using expanding rings, until the ring count in your outermost row matches that of the bottom row of your maille hoop (Fig. 4). Attach this “coif top” to your maille hoop with normal 4-in-1 connections. You should now have a shallow basket (Fig. 5).


                        Fig. 4                                                                           Fig. 5


            Now make eight (8) short pieces of maille 2 BU wide by 2 BU long (Fig. 6). Spacing these evenly, connect four of them around the top row of your basket (Fig. 7). NOTE: Depending on the length of your candle, you might shorten one set of four to 1 BU long, as shown below. 


                        Fig. 6                                                                           Fig. 7


            Next, connect the loose ends of these first four to another maille hoop (Fig. 8). Now, repeat the above steps with the other four strips of maille, connecting the middle maille hoop to the top maille hoop (Fig. 9). These can be done in line with the first four, as shown, or you can offset them for some variety.


                        Fig. 8                                                                           Fig. 9


            Set this assembly aside for now, and gather your ¼” rings and your other 1” brass ring. Make four chains, 1-in-2 style, about six inches long each (Fig. 10). Attach one end of these chains to your 1” brass ring (Fig. 11).


                        Fig. 10                                                             Fig. 11


            Next, attach the other ends of these chains to the top row of rings on your top maille hoop (Fig. 12). Again, these connections can be in line with the others, or offset (Fig. 13).


                        Fig. 12                                                             Fig. 13


            Finally, slide your 2” column candle down into your new hanger, hang it up, light the candle, and enjoy!


            So that’s it for another candle-hanger project! I hope you enjoyed making this project as much as I did. Thanks for joining me for another month of Blackmaille! As usual, any questions, comments, hate mail, or fan mail can be sent to me at:

Tom Beckett
13628 Belmead Ave
Grandview, MO 64030
Attn: Blackmaille

Or you can email me at: subject line: Blackmaille

            Next month: Maille in Hollywood III! See you then!


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Articles: ©2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010  Thomas Becket/Lord Thomas the Black
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Hosting: ©2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010  Ron Knight/Modar Neznanich