House Leatherwolf
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Every so often it utter a word or phrase that sticks in everyone's
It could be that the thought is quite profound. Perhaps it has great intended
Perhaps the timing or location of its pronouncement causes it to be remembered.
Or perhaps you "put your foot in it" and they tease you about it for the "rest
of your days".
With a sense of fun, friendship and a strong belief in the adage,
"You only harass the ones you love; why waste that effort on others?"
presented here are some (in)famous sayings of Leatherwolf members.
House Leatherwolf Members and their Sayings:
Name | Saying |
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AElin Kausi | - . |
Aine nic Taillear . |
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Aldheim of the Seven Oaks . |
I don't
know that. I'm not a herald.
<== After saying this, he is admonished as he was the court herald for the Royal Court at which Mistress Jadwiga was made a member of the Order of the Pelican. . |
Alexandra Vazquez de Granada
called Shandra . |
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Alessandra de Piro . |
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Anora Rose MacCorkhill | - . |
Aoki Kentarou Tadamitsu . |
I ~am~ the Most Evil Son. Power to the Worm! |
Arne Sørensen . |
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Arthur Catfield . |
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Sparrow (formerly Alessandra Dragonetti; aka Victoria) . |
I've changed my mind about what I want for a heraldic device. |
Aurelia Kaloethes . |
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Banba MacDermot . |
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Briana Etain MacKorkhill . |
Now ~THIS~ is pizzled! - "Best Heraldic Pick-Up Lines" from Lilies War camp game |
Caoimhin McKee . |
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Catan Becc
called Cat . |
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Diana Tantini
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Einarr Grimsson . |
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Ermenrich von Duisburg . |
Earthworm Jim, Your Majesty.
- Clarification to Her Royal Majesty Susannah Griffon Oh look... Water! - standard diversionary response to comments from others he wants to avoid. Ugh! - after being hit by Her Royal Majesty Trimaris (Chop Tag game) Mari, all I want is a little piece.... - issuing from Mari's tent at Lilies XIX (dealing with duct tape & a hole) |
Esa Southwick . |
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Flur' le Swan
(formerly Guðrún Valdísardóttir & Gabrielle de la Roche) . |
Geoffrey de Cardeville .[aka Geoffrey the Jester] |
Majesty, here's more largesse.
- To His Royal Majesty Garick after fooling the court audience into giving him things to juggle. |
Gotfrid von Schwaben | - |
Gunnar Thorisson . |
It's not should never break a sweat in the bathroom. - |
Helena Gewolf . |
No, She
is the evil one. - Usually in response to a discussion about
her and her "twin" Esa (one is the evil good twin and the other is the good evil twin) How could you have been in the Navy? You don't swim! . |
Ines Alfón (formerly Mór inghean Chathail) |
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Jacqueline de Meux | -
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Jadwiga Marina Majewska | What can I say? I like to cook. |
Jehannette Montjaux . |
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Jibra'il At.t.âr (formerly Giudo di Niccolo Brunelleschi) . |
It's a
color. It matches....
- In reference to his Persian garb Parents these days... - Due to his father not taking care of himself.
Johanne of Fisher Gate | - |
John Gardener of Barley Marsh | - |
Katya Feodorovna Medvednikova | - |
Kristine nic Tallier | What can
I say? I get bored easily. - This is her usually excuse for
taking a regular A&S project and "maxing it out". . |
Lucia di Giardino | - |
Madeleine Rose de Cardeville | -
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Marion Forester | - |
Mirabel Wynne | -
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Miriam von Schwarzwald | -
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Modar Neznanich |
Okay...where did I put the fish-bat? - Usually in response to
something said by one of his heraldry students/proteges. May you be as unknown as I am. – aka The Modar Curse |
Mongke Gal | -
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Morgana of Raglan | - |
Nakano Tadamasa Zenjirou | -
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Nikolai Sazhka Kolosov called Sashatec . |
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Odierne Lion | -
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Pipa Sparkes | -
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Richard MacFarland | -
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Roberto Carlos Dominguez [aka Roberto the Fool] |
I may
love my dog, but I don't LOVE my dog. Power to the Worm! . |
Roderick Conall MacLeod | -
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Rónán Meade
(formerly Rory McGowen) . |
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Rúadán del Wich called Rowan | - . |
Saige de Monmouth | -
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Shane Bax | - . |
Sorcha MacLeod | Zombies
don't give me nightmares. Wholesale butchering of innocent languages gives
me nightmares. I have a stick. I am NOT afraid to use it. I still want my anonymity back!! . |
Søren atte Raven | - . |
Thomas of Shrewsbury | - . |
Thomas the Black | -
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Turlough mac Colin Mor | -
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Twilleliah nic Taillier | -
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Úlfkell ọlfúss | -
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Ulfr Thyrison | -
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Victoria Anthoinette de
Sauvignon . |
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Vittoria dei Rossi
(formerly Victoria LaRussa) . |
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William Christopher Bainbridge . |
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William of Questionable
Intentions . |
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To the main Leatherwolf Webpage
©1998, 1999, 2000,
2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 Ron Knight
Baron Modar
Neznanich, OPel
This House Leatherwolf webpage is published by Ron Knight (known
within the SCA as Modar Neznanich) for the edification of the members
of the
SCA. It is not a corporate publication of the Society for
Creative Anachronism, Inc. and does not delineate S.C.A. policies. In
cases of conflict with printed versions of material presented on these
pages or it's links, the dispute will be decided in favor of the
printed version unless otherwise indicated. Opinions expressed are
those of the authors.