Medieval Pirates

An ongoing site with articles and links on pirates as they apply to the Middle Ages and the SCA.

Medieval Pirate Information

Letters of Mark (Marque) 1200-1650

Pirates of the Ribe River: Medieval Pirates in Denmark

Historical Female Pirates

Pirates throughout the Middle Ages: Discussions from the Rialto

Associated Nautical Information

Ship Names from 1480-01 by Maridonna Benvenuti

Royal Nautical Guild of Caid

The Evolution of English Shipbuilding 1500-1591

§ The Mother of All Maritime Links §
32+ pages of links to all things nautical

Pirate Websites (many have post-1600 info)

Pirates & Privateers

Pirate Dentistry   ← ← New Link, Thanks to Christy from Ms. Maggie O'Brien 's class!!!

Isle of Tortuga

Pirate's Cove

The "No Quarter Given" List of Pirate Links

Captain Morgan's Journal

Archive of Pirate Images


Flag Information

Famous Pirate Flags  ← ← New Link, Thanks to Ms. Ballion's class!!!

Images of Pirate Flags

The Vexillology Page

"Missing in Action" (webpages we used to have links for, that we're looking for again)

The Loyal Sea-faring Guild of St. Erasmus

The Guild of Nefarious Mariners

A True Relation, of the Lives and Deaths of the two moft Famous Englifh Py-rats,
Purfer, and Clinton who lived in the Reigne of Queene Elizabeth.
(Book 1)

The Second Part of The two moft Famous Pirats Purfer and Clinton (Book 2)

A T R U E A N D C E R T A I N E R E- port of the Beginning, Proceedings,
Overthrowes, and now prefent Eftate of Cap-taine Ward and Danseker, the two late
famous Pirates : from their firft fetting foorth to this prefent time.

©1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 Ron Knight
Baron Modar Neznanich, OPel

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