An ongoing site with articles and links on Fiber Arts as they apply to the Middle Ages and the SCA.

Calontir Fiber & Needle Guild


General Fiber Arts

Simple Fabric Identification

Is Crochet Period for the SCA?

Real Medieval Fabric

Recreating period fabric production

Cotton in the Middle Ages

Textile and Fiber Techniques in Medieval Ireland and Scotland



Historical Dyes and Practices 400AD to 1600AD

To Make a Beautiful Colour: Period Trade Dyes in the Sixteenth Century

Dye Recipes from the Innsbruck Manuscript

Colors, Dyestuffs, and Mordants of the Viking Age: An Introduction

Color in Elizabethan Dress

Colors for Lower-Class Elizabethan Clothing

A Few Points About The Colour Black, And Its Use In Our Time Period


Dyes and Dyeing in Medieval Ireland and Scotland

Dye History from 2600 BC to the 20th Century

The Woad Page

Dye Links



Jump to the Embroidery Page



[Coming soon]



Fifteenth-Century Men's "Acorn" Caps (and How to Knit One)

Hand Knit Hose

Knitting Period Stockings



Jump to the Lace Page


Needlework & Blackwork

[Coming soon]



Drop Spindles

Italian Handspindle



How to Build a Frame Loom

The Inkle Loom

Toli's inexpensive inkle/cardweaving loom

Basic Tablet Weaving

Brocaded Tablet Weaving

Making Authentic Tablets



Fiber Arts, Textile and Weaving Links

Textile Resource Links


Suggested Readings:

Burial-induced color change of dyed and mordanted cotton and wool fabrics.
DISSERTATION by Marilyn Elizabeth. Regazzi,[Davis, Calif.] 1986.

Natural dyes in the United States by Rita J. Adrosko. Washington, Smithsonian Institution Press;
[for sale by the Supt. of Docs., U.S. Govt. Print. Off.] 1968.

The art of dyeing in the history of mankind by Franco Brunello, [Translation by Bernard Hickey].
Vicenza, N. Pozza, 1973.

Nature's colors; dyes from plants by Ida Grae. Photography: Daniel Grae. New York, Macmillan [1974].

The Colour Cauldron by Su Grierson ; illustrations, Guy Kinder. Perth : S. Grierson, 1989, c1986.

Ancient and medieval dyes by William Ferguson Leggett . Brooklyn, N. Y., Chemical Pub. [c1944].

The Art and Craft of Natural Dyeing : traditional recipes for modern use by J.N. Liles.
1st ed. Knoxville : University of Tennessee Press, c1990.

The Plictho; instructions in the art of the dyers which teaches the dyeing of woolen cloths, linens, cottons, and silk by the great art as well as by the common by Giovanventura Rosetti, fl. 1530-1548. Translation of the 1st ed. of 1548, by Sidney M. Edelstein and Hector C. Borghetty. Cambridge, M.I.T. Press [1969].

Dyehouse Laboratory Practice by T.M. Thompson. Bradford,
West Yorkshire Society of Dyers and Colourists, 1983.

Lace: A History by Santina Levey (published by the V&A)

Malmesbury Lace by Joan Blanchard, Batsford, 1991

The Romance of the Lace Pillow by Thomas Wright

'Lace' : The Journal of the Lace Guild, Issues 55 - 60

Bobbin Lace - An Illustrated Guide to Traditional and Contemporary Techniques by Brigita Fuhrmann,
New York (Dover) 1985. ISBN: 0-468-24902-6.

Knitting Bibliography

Tablet Weaving Bibliography

Handweaver's Bibliography

If you are not familiar with the SCA but would like to know more,
check out the following links:

SCA   -   General Intro to the SCA
Forgotten Sea   -   Website of the group that I'm currently Baron of
Cum an Iolair   -   Website of a group that I've recently been Seneschal of
Terminology   -   Definitions of some common SCA terms
Heraldry   -   My page on SCA Heraldry

This Fiber Arts page is published by Ron Knight (known in the SCA as Modar Neznanich) for the edification of the members of the Barony of Forgotten Sea, its cantons and the members of the SCA. It is not a corporate publication of the Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc. and does not delineate S.C.A. policies. In cases of conflict with printed versions of material presented on these pages or it's links, the dispute will be decided in favor of the printed version unless otherwise indicated. Opinions expressed are those of the authors.

©1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 Ron Knight  
Baron Modar Neznanich, OPel


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