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Kingdom Herald Job Descriptions |
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Kingdom of
& Heraldic Deputies
Principal Herald
Gold Falcon Herald: Principal Herald of Calontir Oversees all other kingdom heraldic staff and all group heralds/pursuivants within the kingdom as well as the heralds-at-large/pursuivants-at-large. Responsibilities include overseeing the area of Court Heraldry for the kingdom; normally heralds Coronation Court & Crown Tourney Court; organizes any Grand March as required; heralds the finals of Crown List and is in charge of seeing the kingdom’s heraldic needs are met.
Kingdom Heraldic Deputies and Staff
Purple Falcon Herald: Drop Dead Deputy Herald designated to step into the principal herald position if the Gold Falcon Herald has to step down unexpectedly. This position is selected by the Gold Falcon Principal Herald. The Crown may also choose this individual to be the designated successor to the position when the current Gold Falcon Herald completes their term or prefer to open the Principal Herald for applications.
Saker Herald: Submissions Herald in charge of the kingdom submissions process; publishes letters of intent; collects and disburses funds associated with heraldic registration; maintains kingdom archives of submitted & registered names, devices, and badges; arranges for consulting heralds for Lilies War and other Crown events on an “as required” basis. These duties may be performed by this herald or a member of their staff.
Eyas Herald: Deputy in Training to Succeed Saker Herald Herald training in the intricacies of the kingdom submissions office. This position is designated to step into the submission herald position once the Saker Herald competes their term or if the Saker Herald has to step down unexpectedly. This position is selected by the Gold Falcon Principal Herald with input from the Saker Herald.
Habicht Herald: Heraldic Education & Protocol Herald in charge of heraldic education; oversees the instruction of members of the College of Heralds of Calontir, and ensures the minimum expected knowledge levels are met; coordinates with Royal University of Scyr Hafoc (RUSH) for inclusion of heraldry classes in their curriculum; provides protocol information. These duties may be performed by this herald or by a member of their staff.
Batelier Herald: Field Heraldry Deputy in charge of field heraldry; arranges List heralds for Crown List, arranges field heralds and camp criers for Lilies War and other Crown events on an “as required” basis. These duties may be performed by this herald or by a member of their staff.
White Hawk Herald: Personal Voice Herald for the King & Queen Provides vocal/court services to TRMs and arranges for court heralds when unavailable. Responsible for ensuring a Court Report from each of TRMs courts is provided to the Clerk of the Precedence, the Gold Falcon Herald and the MEWS (even if White Hawk
does not do the court themselves). This person may be selected by TRMs and approved
by Gold Falcon or TRMs may ask Gold Falcon to provide such.
Falconet Herald: Personal Protocol Herald for the Prince & Princess Acts as advisor to the Prince/Princess. Responsible for providing heraldic and protocol information to the Royal Heirs. This position has been created to assist first-time Royalty. This person may be selected by TRHs and approved by Gold Falcon or TRHs may ask Gold Falcon to provide such.
Lanner Herald: Ceremonies Herald responsible for maintaining the ceremonies used throughout Calontir, primarily for creation of peers and the coronation of kings and queens; but may archive any formal ceremony used in an official capacity. This position works closely with their Known World counterpart. These duties may be performed by this herald or a member of their staff.
Red Hawk Herald: External Commenter Herald responsible for Calontir commentary on other kingdom's submissions. Commentary of this type is a requirement by the Society Herald’s Office for a kingdom to stay in good standing. These duties may be performed by this herald or a member of their staff.
Kite Herald: Northeast Regional Deputy Herald responsible for overseeing the heraldic activities of these groups/members in the region of these current/former branches: Axed Root, Coeur d'Ennui, Deodar, Flinthyll, Heraldshill, NoMountain and Shadowdale. [Previously included: La Grande Tente, Loch Meadhonach and Riverwatch.] Heraldic reports from these branches should be sent to this regional deputy.
Sparrow Hawk Herald: Northwest Regional Deputy Herald responsible for overseeing the heraldic activities of these groups/members in the region of these current/former branches: Carlsby, Crescent Moon, Dun Ard, Lonely Tower, Lost Moor and Mag Mor. Heraldic reports from these branches should be sent to this regional deputy.
Harrier Herald: Central Regional Deputy Herald responsible for overseeing the heraldic activities of the groups/members in the region of these current/former branches: Amlesmore, Aston Tor, Bellewode, Cum an Iolair, Forgotten Sea, and Loch Smythe. [Previously included: Ivory Keep and Lost Forest.] Heraldic reports from these branches should be sent to this regional deputy.
Buteo Herald: Southeast Regional Deputy Herald responsible for overseeing the heraldic activities of the groups/members in the region of these current/former branches: Calanais Nuadh, Midgaards Crossing,
Oakheart, Standing Stones, Three Rivers and Wyvern Cliffe. [Previously included: Burj al Mudirah, Gryphon's Keep, Merkiborg, Ridge Haven and Riverhold.] Heraldic reports from these branches should be sent to this regional deputy.
Gerfalcon Herald: Southwest Regional Deputy Herald responsible for overseeing the heraldic activities of these groups/members in the region of these current/former branches: Bois d'Arc, Crystal Mynes, Grimfells, Spinning Winds, Vatavia and Westumbria. [Previously included: Golden Sea, Moonstone (formerly Fyren-Ar) and St Clayre.] Heraldic reports from these branches should be sent to this regional deputy.
Blue Hawk Herald: Clerk of the Precedence Person responsible for maintaining a record of all awards, titles, and court proceedings, and publishes the Kingdom Order of Precedence.
Green Hawk Herald: Armorialist Person responsible for maintaining the Kingdom On-Line Armorial.
Kestrel Herald: Publications Herald in charge of publications; responsible for maintaining, updating and publishing the Heralds Handbook, administrative forms (other than submission and reporting forms), functional aids, and other publications relevant to the conduct of heraldry.
Purple Quill Herald: Assistant to the Principal Herald
Person noted as Staff Assistant to the Gold Falcon Herald. Duties and
responsibilities vary from each Principal Herald’s tenure.
Historian: Kingdom History Person responsible for maintaining the Kingdom Histories.
NOTE: Some of these positions, such as Kestrel, Purple Falcon, Lanner,
Batelier, Eyas and Purple Quill may not be filled at certain times, depending
on the desires of the current Gold Falcon Herald in assigning responsibilities
amongst the Heraldic Staff. The position of Falconet Herald may not be filled
if the Prince & Princess prefer not to have or do not need a personal heraldic
advisor. White Hawk may also be left vacant if the Royalty prefers to handle
Royal Courts with local heralds rather than having a specific personal herald.
To go to the Calontir College of Heralds Information Page, click here.
To check on the status of Calontir heraldic submissions, click here.
For instructions on filling out heraldic submission forms, click here.
This Heraldic
Officer Listing page is published by Ron Knight
[known in the SCA as Baron Modar Neznanich]
for the edification of the members of the Kingdom of
Calontir and the members of the SCA.
It is not a corporate
publication of the Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc. and
does not
delineate S.C.A. policies. In cases of conflict with
printed versions of material presented on these
pages or it's
links, the dispute will be decided in favor of the printed
version unless otherwise indicated.
©1998, 1999, 2000,
2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013,
Baron Modar Neznanich (Ron Knight), Volk Herald
e-mail: modar@everestkc.net