"Avaunces et arches bien"
Advance and shoot well)

An ongoing site with articles and links on archery as it applies to the Middle Ages and the SCA.

Archery Articles & Links

SCA Archery Page
Calontir Archery Page
Choosing a Bow
by Sir Toen Fitzwilliam
Arrow Design and Construction
by Sir Toen Fitzwilliam
Ten Basic Steps in Archery
by Sagittarius Twente
The Triangle or Fitz-Rauf Target 
by Sir Jon Fitz-Rauf
War Archery and Social Status
by Sir Jon Fitz-Rauf
European Medieval and Renaissance Archery Contests and Targets      *Note: If prompted for a username/password, simply
by Sir Jon Fitz-Rauf                                                                                                            click "Cancel" and article will load.
A Period Archery Target for the SCA                                                                  *Note: Due to size & quality of pictures, the illustrations
by Sir Jon Fitz-Rauf                                                                                                          may take  a few moments to load.
Some Ideas on Encouraging Archery Participation
by Sir Jon Fitz-Rauf
Precision Arrow Matching
by Sir Jon Fitz-Rauf
Combat Archery: A Manual for Western Archers
by Sir Jon Fitz-Rauf
Bow & Buckler Competition
by Sir Jon Fitz-Rauf
Some Combat Archery Basics
by Sir Jon Fitz-Rauf
Defensive Archery Techniques
by Sir Jon Fitz-Rauf
Combat Arrow and Bolt Inspection Guidelines
by Sir Jon Fitz-Rauf
Target-less Practice
by Sir Jon Fitz-Rauf
Whistling Arrows
by Sir Jon Fitz-Rauf
Whistling Arrows
by E. McEwen and D. Elmy
The Art of Archerie
by Gervase Markham (c1568 - 1637)
The Medieval English Longbow
by Robert E. Kaiser
Archery in the Anglo-Saxon Period
by Regia Anglorum
The Decline of the Longbow
by P. Valentine Harris
Steel Bows in India
by D. Elmy
Oriental Hinged and Take-apart Bows
by D. Elmy
Turkish Flight Arrows
by Fred Isles
Ancient Composite Bows
by C.N. Hickman
Ballistic properties in ancient Egyptian arrows
by P.H. Blyth
Longbowstrings (Part 1)
by Philip D. Hartley
Longbowstrings (Part 2)
by Philip D. Hartley
Making a Flemish Bowstring
by Ron Harris
Assembling a Wooden Arrow
by Larry Wise
Arrow Making
by Rob McNeur
Observations on the Returning Arrow
by W.F. Paterson
The Stonebow
by Brian Jones
Diagram of a Stonebow
by Sir Ralph Payne-Gallwey
The Crossbow
by Brian Jones
Manual for Building a c. 40 lbs. Longbow
by Hans Schuurman
Making Wooden Selfarrows for the Longbow
by Dick de Bruin
Making a Bow Stringer
by Hlaford Wulfric Ferreter
Making a Bow Stringer
by THL Brandon Smythe
Mongolian Archery Technique
by Stephen Selby
The Physics of Medieval Archery
by Gareth Rees
Mounted Archery
by Master Johannes the Black of the Athanor
A 15th Century Italian Quiver
by Master Johannes the Black of the Athanor
An Archery Target
by Master Johannes the Black of the Athanor
Making a Cloth Quiver for SCA Combat Archery
A Glossary of Archery
collated by Stephen F. Wyley
The Solenarion: the Byzantine Arrow Guide
by Stephen Francis Wyley
Do It Yourself Archery Equipment
Feudal Archers
A 12th Century Medieval Living History Group
NorthStar Archery
(They have SCA Combat Archery supplies)
Baldar Blunts
Example of a SCA Archer Guard Charter
The Bowyer's Edge
Fruit of the Yew
by James Treebull the Stubborn
The Archer Song
by Corun MacAnndra
y Dolan Madoc (audio: here)
Arcus Majoris Named
by Simone Maurian Ui'Dunlaingh
Who Comes to the Greenwood?
by Sian verch Gruffydd
The Archer's Lament
by Yitzhak ibn Yoshua
The Wild Meridian Boy
by William McNaughton
The Tale of the Greifenthal
by Gorlan of the Red Lands
The Lincolnshire Poacher & The Hunt is Up
All Well In Hand
by Andrew Blackwood MacBaine the Purple
Jock O'Braidslee
The Arrow
by Gunnar Redbeard
Strike the Drum
by Mathurin Kerbusso

I'm looking for other archery songs. If you know of some please e-mail me at:


Proud to be friends of

Company Loki

This Archery page is published by Ron Knight (known in the SCA as Modar Neznanich) for the edification of the members of the Barony of Forgotten Sea, its cantons and the members of the SCA. It is not a corporate publication of the Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc. and does not delineate S.C.A. policies. In cases of conflict with printed versions of material presented on these pages or it's links, the dispute will be decided in favor of the printed version unless otherwise indicated. Opinions expressed are those of the authors.

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©1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 Ron Knight / Modar Neznanich

Baron Modar Neznanich, Order of the Pelican

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